The smell of cigar smoke lingers in the air. A hint of mud, blood, and rage underlies it. A short, stocky frame stands before you, his wrath and discontent tangible throughout the vicinity. There is so much to do and not enough people to do it. But there stands a clean-shaven dwarf ready to do his part, and to enlist others to do what he can't. The amount of grit in his gut is damn near palpable. The dedication and tenacity to defend home is obvious to any who get him to speak. He is a dwarf of famed courage. He is a name that will go down in history as one of the toughest people ever to trod the Fringe. He once stared down an enemy army, separated from his allies, and screamed "FILL YOUR HANDS YOU SONS OF BITCHES!" and continued to fight until his allies came to his aid. Hundreds of half-blooded Bastards have fallen to his axe. His legacy is preserved for ages to come. But here is the truth about the dwarf behind the legend that is William Sherman.